What are Endodontists and When Should You See One?

When a tooth suffers from a significant infection or pulp damage, root canal treatment can help retain its function. But what kind of dentist does root canals?

An endodontist is essentially a root canal specialist specializing in endodontic operations that address issues with a tooth's root and pulp. Endodontic diagnosis and therapy are taught to all dentists to some degree. Having said that, in severe circumstances, dentists will usually send patients to dental endodontics specialists, who would then determine the best technique to relieve pain and preserve tooth function.

If you have dental discomfort or a history of damage to a tooth that might affect the pulp or roots, your general dentist is more likely to recommend you to a root canal expert.

When You Should See an Endodontist

When deciding between an endodontist and a conventional dentist, it's a good idea to learn more about what each type of dental care provider performs. A few reasons to see an endodontist are listed below.

1. Pain

Almost everyone has a toothache every now and again. A general dentist can assess the discomfort and swiftly put in a tooth replacement to alleviate it in some instances. However, if the discomfort persists after a dental repair, a visit to an endodontist may be required. More profound discomfort might suggest a significant infection in the roots, necessitating a root canal or a more complex operation.

In the interim, it can be helpful to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to remedy the discomfort until an endodontist can determine the source of the pain and treat it appropriately.

2. History of injury

If you have ever fallen or been injured in some way that could have impacted the roots or pulp of a tooth, it may be pertinent to speak with an endodontist. In instances where a tooth is exposed, a root canal may be the best course of action, as it can prevent future bacterial infections.

3. Root canal

A root canal is an endodontic procedure that involves removing the pulp inside the root canals of a tooth. If a tooth has experienced significant trauma and the pulp has been exposed, this is the best course of action to avoid an infection. The endodontist will remove the pulp and the nerve surrounding it during the procedure, along with any diseased tissue. The rest will be cleaned, disinfected, and sealed. This can prevent future infections, abscesses, and pain.

4. Severely damaged teeth

If a tooth fails to respond to the usual endodontic treatments, an endodontist may be the best fit to complete more advanced procedures to stabilize the tooth. Severely damaged teeth can be problematic because they may not respond to standard treatments. In this case, the endodontist can remove the tooth and perform dental restoration if necessary. The endodontist can then proceed with appropriate treatment for the remaining teeth.


Endodontic treatment is an area of dentistry that requires a high level of expertise and advanced technology. Dental endodontics can involve complex procedures. These procedures help ensure a healthy and comfortable smile for years to come.

If you are looking for a full-service dentist in Murfreesboro, turn to Cosmetic Dentistry of Murfreesboro. Founded by Dr. Greg Nicholson, we have been brightening smiles for over twenty-five years. Book an appointment today!


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