Everything You Need to Know About Dental Crown Procedures

While dental crown procedures may seem rather scary, they can be extremely helpful. Indeed, dental crowns have earned a  bad reputation that stems from a general lack of information. This is why we thought it would be useful to put together a brief article on this subject. If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on for everything you need to know about dental crown procedures.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are coverings for existing teeth. They protect your teeth from breaking, and they strengthen teeth that are already severely compromised. At face value, crowns are used to improve the appearance of a tooth. And while it is true that they can make your teeth look better, they also have uses beyond mere aesthetics. Crowns are also used to protect teeth that are damaged or missing or teeth that are stained or damaged. 

When Are Dental Crowns Used For?

Before we talk about anything else, it’s important that we delve into the many uses of dental crowns. While this may seem obvious, many of you will surely be surprised when it comes to the many benefits of utilizing dental crowns.

If a cavity extends into half or more of your tooth or the surface area of the tooth is missing, the tooth will most likely need a crown to compensate for its lack of structural integrity. Failing to do this will cause your teeth to crack around the visible filling. The dental crown will reinforce your tooth and prevent the damage from getting any worse.

People who excessively grind their teeth or clench their jaws can cause serious damage to their teeth. This becomes even more problematic when you consider that worn tooth enamel can lead to softened teeth, and over time this can collapse the bite. Dental crowns address this problem as they protect your teeth from further damage.

How Do Dental Crown Procedures Work?

Before anything else, your dentist can't begin working on you, until the numbing agent has been administered. After that's done teeth that are damaged, have undergone root canal treatments, or have been fractured need to be temporarily replaced with fillings.

Your dentist removes some of the outer layers of your tooth so that new dental materials can be placed in their place to create a crown. To prepare a tooth for a crown, you have to put your teeth through a procedure that basically shaves off the outer layer of the tooth. The shade of your teeth will be recorded to make sure that the new crown matches your existing enamel.

Your dentist will then take a plaster mold of the tooth, either in your dentist’s office or at a laboratory. The mold will be sent to a dental technician who will prepare your crown. After your dentist makes sure the color matches the rest of your teeth, you’ll return for a fitting. Sometimes, as is often the case with patients who are having dental implants, your dentist can give you a temporary crown to wear that matches your new implant until your permanent crown is ready.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to furthering your understanding of dental crown procedures. As you can see, dental crowns can be extremely useful when used in the right situation. If you are planning to get a dental crown, we suggest looking for high-quality dental services to ensure the best results possible.
If you are looking for a full-service dentist in Murfreesboro to help with your dental crowns, turn to Cosmetic Dentistry of Murfreesboro. Founded by Dr. Greg Nicholson, we have been brightening smiles for over twenty-five years. Book an appointment today!


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