Answering Your Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Veneers

There’s nothing like having a beautiful set of teeth to bring your smile and confidence to the next level. One way to get your smile as pretty as it can be is by getting dental veneers. Placing porcelain veneers on your teeth is a minor dental procedure that leads to a dramatic difference in getting rid of stains, damage, and even crooked teeth.

If you’re considering getting this dental treatment, you might have some questions. Don’t worry—keep on reading this article and get the answers to the most popular questions about veneers.

1. What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a thin layer of porcelain or resin film that is formed, fitted, and bonded to the tooth surface. However, if you want to ensure durability, the expert recommendation is to go for porcelain models. Porcelain veneers are stronger, more resistant to stains, and they look more natural compared the resin counterparts.

2. How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

The cost of dental veneers depends on where you are getting them done and how many teeth need the treatment. If you get high-quality veneers, the corresponding price can be quite high. But they are really worth the investment as dental veneers can last you a good 10 to 15 years.

3. How Does the Process of Getting Dental Veneers Work?

If you are considering getting dental veneers, you first have to go in for a consultation appointment with your dentist. At the beginning of the process, the dentist will first remove a small amount of enamel from your tooth. This will be a tiny amount, just a few millimeters long, so it’s nothing to worry about.

Once your tooth or teeth are ready, the dentist will make an impression of the target area so you can rest assured that the finished veneers will fit you perfectly. This impression will be sent to a laboratory for the creation of the actual veneers.

While the veneers are being created, you will get temporary veneers made from composite resin. This also serves as a trial where you can see if you want your veneers to be changed or adjusted.

Once the final veneers are available, you will get the permanent ones installed and bonded to your teeth. You will notice that your gums might feel a bit sore after the procedure, but it’s perfectly normal. Should the feeling last for more than a couple of days, call your dentist.

4. How Do I Know If Dental Veneers Are Right for Me?

Veneers can bring a beautiful smile, but you have to think about having a healthy smile, too. For instance, if you have problems like tooth decay and injured gums, you should prioritize restorative dental treatments. Then, once all of these underlying issues are fixed, you can get veneers for a great finish.

If you don’t have serious dental problems but instead are plagued with cosmetic issues like chipped teeth, discoloration, and size and alignment problems, veneers would be the ideal choice for you!

Final Thoughts

If you want to improve your smile, you should definitely consider getting veneers. Dental veneer procedures are a quick and easy process, so you’ll get the results you need in just two visits.

If you need a cosmetic dentist in Murfreesboro, TN, for your dental needs, check out Cosmetic Dentistry of Murfreesboro. We have been in the business since 1992, and we remain the community’s trusted choice for family dentistry, Invisalign braces, bridges, crowns, and veneers. Book a consultation today!


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