4 Ways Brushing Your Teeth Can Enhance Your Life

We all know that brushing your teeth daily is a must to retain perfect oral hygiene. This is important because our mouth houses hundreds of microbes and species, which could be both helpful and detrimental to our body's health. 

While some organisms in our mouth can be beneficial, other microbes are responsible for the growth of plaque and decay, promoting various oral health issues. Not to mention, these oral issues can also lead to other health problems that could affect the quality of our lives. With that said, if you have poor oral hygiene, you get more chances of developing health issues like heart disease.

Although it's part of our daily routine to brush at least twice a day, many are still unaware of the benefits we get from brushing besides fantastic oral health. Taken from the best dentist in Murfreesboro, here are some of the biggest ways brushing your teeth can enhance your life. Let's take a look!

1. Improves Your Heart Health

There have been a bunch of studies proving the strong connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular problems. These heart problems can include atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis, heart failure and could also lead to heart attack and stroke. 

2. Better Brain Health

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of the National Institute of Health, individuals with bleeding gums and periodontal detachment have a higher chance of developing age-related cognitive issues, such as Alzheimer's.

Besides that, the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association also reported that older adults who have lost a significant number of teeth have a higher risk of developing dementia. 

3. Better Sex Life

You might find this a bit strange at first, but there is a possible link between poor oral health and your sex life. Those with poor oral health tend to have endothelial dysfunction, also known as narrowing of the blood vessels, which challenges your blood flow. Hence, men with chronic periodontitis have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. 

4. Mitigate COVID Complications

Good oral health is another tool that could help dodge severe COVID-related issues. According to research, people with periodontal disease who contracted the virus are more likely to experience severe symptoms than those who tested positive and don't have gum disease.

Since poor oral health is linked to serious health conditions like diabetes and heart disease, respiratory issues don't stray too far as well. With that said, you may get severe symptoms if you get COVID-19 with poor oral health. 

The Bottom Line: Brush Your Teeth Regularly and Keep Your Oral Health In Check

There's no denying that your oral health can greatly affect other parts of your body. For this reason, ensure that you're brushing your teeth at least twice a day and make sure to see your dentist regularly to ensure that your oral health is in check. 

How Can We Help You?

Dental problems can be a burden, and not only will you feel discomfort, but they can also affect your overall health and wellbeing. If you're ready to improve your dental health, visit Cosmetic Dentistry of Murfreesboro. 

Our dental clinic was founded by Murfreesboro dentist Dr. Greg Nicholson. Since then, we've continued to brighten and enhance our patients' smiles for over 25 years. We provide exceptional dental services, such as family dentistry, Invisalign, veneers, crowns, bridges, bonding, and more.

Looking for the best dentist in Murfreesboro? Book an appointment with us today!


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