Cosmetic Dentistry of Murfreesboro

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6 Ways Dental Bridges Can Improve Oral Health

It's no secret that many people struggle with having missing teeth. The good news is that there are also many ways to help with this problem, such as dental bridges.

A dental bridge is used when a tooth or multiple teeth is lost. The crowns of the neighboring teeth are prepared and the adjoining teeth on either side of the gap. Then, a durable material is affixed between these teeth, which allows the gap to be closed. Depending on the case, the dental bridge may be permanent or removable, and it's generally made of porcelain fused to metal.

If you're supposed to get bridges but have reservations about it, just know that you'll be getting the following benefits:

#1 - Prevents Your Teeth from Shifting

One of the most significant benefits of a dental bridge is that it helps maintain the position of your teeth. It does this by providing an immediate gap-filling solution. Without the support of a dental bridge, your neighboring teeth will slowly move into the gap. As a result, your bite will slowly move forward, which can eventually cause problems with your jaw joints. A dental bridge will prevent this by supporting the neighboring teeth and preventing them from shifting.

#2 - Prevents Your Jawbone from Deteriorating

When the teeth in your mouth are missing, or the teeth that are there are too far apart, it can result in bone loss in the jaw. You see, when there is a gap, your jawbone will begin to dissolve. There is no pressure on the bone to keep it intact, so over time, the bone will start to shrink and will eventually become so small that it can't support the teeth that are left. A dental bridge can prevent this from happening.

#3 - You Can Eat without Difficulty

Many people who have a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth will bite their food differently. They either move their jaw in a different way to eat or alter the way they chew to avoid experiencing pain. The good news is that you can eat the way you usually would with a dental bridge.

#4 - Improves Your Speech

Like chewing and eating, your speech can be affected when a tooth is missing. When you lose a tooth, you no longer have the support it provides to your mouth, so your tongue can begin to move around more freely. As a result, your speech may start to sound different. When you get a dental bridge, it helps to decrease this movement and will, as a result, give your tongue more support.

#5 - Can Last a Lifetime

The great thing about a dental bridge is that it can last a lifetime. There are certain situations where the material will need to be changed, such as when the porcelain starts to break down. In most cases, however, the dental bridge will last anywhere from 10 to 20 years.

#6 - Allows You to Put On a Smile Again

It's natural for people to smile when they feel great, but when you're missing teeth, you might not feel like doing so. This is mostly because your smile won't look "natural," and missing teeth can make you feel less confident. With a dental bridge, you can be proud of how your teeth look again, and you'll feel more confident as you smile and talk.

The Cost of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges could go somewhere between $1,000 to $5,000. However, this will depend on what type of material you choose and the number of teeth included in the bridge.

Keep in mind that other factors will affect the cost, such as the area where you live and how many procedures you will need. The total price you'll have to pay will also depend on how long you'll need to wear the dental bridge.

If you have insurance, you may be able to get a portion of the costs covered. The details of that will vary from one insurance company to the other, so contact your provider to know more.


Missing teeth are not only embarrassing, but they can affect your eating habits, your speech, and your confidence. The good news is that you can quickly get them back with a dental bridge. Be sure to talk to your dentist about your options for a dental bridge, so you'll know if it's right for you.

If you’re looking for providers of dental bridges in Murfreesboro, look no further than Cosmetic Dentistry of Murfreesboro! We also offer other cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers, crowns, and bonding—all of which can grant you a beautiful smile again for an affordable price. Contact us today for a consultation!